1. What is Structured programming ?
Structured programming is a top-down approach , in which
developers separates the overall program structure into different subsections .
2. What is C language ?
C is a structured programming language developed at AT
& Ts Bell Laboratories of USA in USA. It was designed by Dennis Ritchie in
1970s used for developing OS and application.
3. Why c is called structured programming
language ?
C is called structured programming language because
a program in c language can be divided into small logical
functional modules or structures with the help of function procedure.
4. List some features of C
C is high level programming language, so easy to
understand and write a program.
C is structured programming language
C has powerful set of operators
C contain very less number of keywords (only 32)
C has ability to extend itself by adding more function to
its library.
5. List some data types of c
C supports many data types . some of are listed below
6. List some operators in C language
Arithemetic operator
Logical operator
Unary operator
Assignment operator
Relational operator
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