Monday, December 2, 2019

Classification of Computer - Grade:XI


The computers on the basis of application/working principle are:
  • Analog computer
  • Digital computer
  • Hybrid computer

Analog Computer

Analog computer is one which operates on continuous data, usually of a physical nature such as length, voltage or current, etc. An analog machine is usually a special purpose device dedicated to a single task. Analog computers are based on analog signals that are continuous signals.
These types of computers were widely used in scientific and industrial applications. These are used in a hospital to measure the size of the stone in kidney and mental diseases diagnostics.
An example of analog devices is a thermometer, barometer, speedometer and ammeter.

Characteristics of analog computer

  • The speed of an analog computer is fast but has no state.
  • These computers work with physical values such as temperature, pressure etc.
  • These computers are based on continuous data.
  • These computers are not reliable and are difficult to use and operate.
  • These computers are the base for digital computers.
  • These computers have small memory.
  • No possibility of reprogramming.
  • Normally, an analog computer cannot be reprogrammed.

Digital Computer

The computer which works on discrete data or discontinuous data is known as a digital computer. It works on a binary system where 0 represent off and 1 represents on. It is based on digital signals i.e discrete signals.
So, the basic principle of these computers is either present or absence of an electric pulse in the signals. It is a multipurpose and programmable computer. It is fast processing, more accurate and has large memory capacity. It is usually general purpose computer. Some examples of a digital computer are IBM PC, Apple/Macintosh computer, etc.
Characteristics of digital computer are:
  • Digital computer operates by calculation.
  • It is multipurpose computer and can be reprogrammed.
  • It has large storage capacity than an analog computer.
  • The results are accurate and high.
  • It stores the data in the form of a bit.
  • The processing speed is very fast.
  • These machines are automatic.
  • These computers are versatile in a sense that they can carry out different types of a job at a time without any interference.
  • A computer works with same speed, same accuracy, and with the same efficiency at all time.

 The differences between analog and digital technologies: are

Digital computer
Analog computer
i. Digital computer works upon discrete (discontinuous) data.
i. Analog computer works on continuous data.
ii. This computer works with a digit.
ii. These computers work with natural or physical value.
iii. The accuracy is high.
iii. The accuracy is low.
iv. It is general purpose in nature.
iv. It is a special purpose in nature.
v. It has no or limited storage capacity.
v. It has high storage capacity.
vi. It does single purpose job.
vi. It does a multi-purpose job.
vii. No possibility of reprogramming.
vii. It can be reprogrammed.
viii. The cost is low and portable.
viii. The cost is high and easily not portable.
v.. Example: Desktop computer
v. Example: Presley

Hybrid Computer

A computer, which has a combination best feature of both analog and digital computers, is called a hybrid computer. It helps the user to process discrete and continuous data. The hybrid computer can convert the analog signal into digital signals and digital signal into analog signal. Hybrid computers are used mainly in specialized applications where both kinds of data need to be processed.
The practically they are used in the field of the following places:
  • During rocket launching process, where the analog components/ devices measure the speed of the rocket, temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, then, these measurements are converted into digital signals and supplied to the digital devices to analyze the data for taking appropriate steps on launching.
  • In hospitals, analog components measure the temperature and blood pressure of a patient, then, these measurements are converted into a digital signal and fed to the digital devices that monitor patient's vital information.
  • In weather forecasting, analog devices measure wind speed, humidity, temperature, wind direction and fed to the digital devices that compare with the past information to predict the climate changes.
  • In automated industry, analog component measure temperature, pressure, speed and provide it to digital component that takes proper action.
  • It is the combination of qualities of analog as well as a digital computer.
  • It can process both continuous and discrete data.
  • It is special purpose computer.
  • It can convert one type of data into another.
  • It is mostly used in radar communication, rocket launching, and weather forecasting and in other fields.
  • It usually high cost compared to analog and digital computer.
  • Hybrid Machines are generally used in scientific applications or in controlling industrial processes.
2. Explain the computer on the basis of brand
On the basis of brand , the computer can be classified as IBM PC, IBM compatibles and Apple/Macintosh computer.
a. IBM PC: IBM PC is the largest computer manufacturing company establishing USA. The computer manufactures by IBM PC or branded computer. Personal Computer (PC) is the most important type of micro computer system. The micro computer manufactures by IBM Company are called IBM PC. These computers are reliable, durable and have better quality but they are costly.
b. IBM Compatibles: The computers that have some functional characteristics and principles of IBM computer are called IBM compatibles. In other word, all the computer are manufactured by the another companies rather than IBM company are Known as IBM compatibles. All the software and hardware of IBM compatibles. These are cheaper and Their Parts are easily available in Market. They are also duplicate or assemble computer.
c. Apple/Macintosh Computer: All the computers manufacture by apple cooperation, a leading computers manufacturing computer of USA are known as Apple/Macintosh computers. These computers use their own software and hardware. They are totally different than that of IBM computers, In terms of both hardware and software. It is popularly used in desktop publishing (DTP) houses as they provide better quality of graphic output.
5. What is mobile computing? Explain its advantages and characteristics.
Mobile computing devices are portable devices capable of operating, executing, providing services and applications to a computing device. It is a computing device used in transit. Users can access data and information from wherever they are. It has wireless connectivity such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, to connect the Internet or with other computing devices as well as the wired connection through the USB port
a. Flexibility: We no longer need to stay plugged in to a specific location for working on your computer. Mobile computing allows us unprecedented flexibility to move about and perform our activities at the same time
b. Saves Time: This technology is just the thing to use such transit time more effectively. It also allows to instantly connecting with our family anywhere and anytime. We can connect with them over Internet using portable computing devices such as Internet phones and share the fun.
c. Enhanced Productivity: Increased work flexibility is directly proportionate to enhanced work productivity - the fact that you can do your work from any place you want, without waiting for, and making efforts to, get access to computing facility translates into people being able to do more work with greater flexibility.
d. Ease of Research: Motile computing and the flexibility offered by it enable students as well as professionals to conduct in-depth research on just about any topic or subject even when on the go!
e. Entertainment: Getting bored is so last-decade now what with zillions of entertainment options available on mobile communication and computing devices these days. For example: games, movies, music, videos, etc.
• It is a portable device that you can carry during mobility.
• It has limited processing and storage capability.
• It includes mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software.
• It usually contains touch screen for providing input.
• It contains on-screen or virtual keyboard for proving text inputs. However, an external keyboard can be connected by using USB port, infrared or Bluetooth.
• It contains the camera, speaker, and microphone etc.
• It contains handwriting recognizing software.
• Most of the mobile computing devices contain memory card slot to expand the storage capacity.
• It has wireless connectivity such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, to connect the Internet or with other computing devices as well as the wired connection through the USB port.
• The most mobile computing device can synchronize their data with the applications on a user's computer.
• It can be used for cloud computing and remote access.
• It uses the mobile computing operating system such as Android, iOS, Windows Mobile OS, Plam OS.
• It can include GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver for navigation.
4. Explain the classification of computer On the basis of model
On the basis of model computer is classified as:
a. XT (Extended / Extra Technology) Computer : The computers that use 8086, 8088 microprocessor are called XT computers. The time periods for this computer are from 1975 - 1982. XT computers have processing speed of 4.77 MHz and are comparatively slow in speed. These processors are of 4, 8 or 16 bits of word length.
b. AT (Advanced Technology) Computer: With the development of 80286 microprocessor AT computer were introduced in the field of computers. The processors are of 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits of word length. The computers using Pentium I, Pentium pro & Pentium II are the examples of AT computers. The time periods for these computers are from 1982 - 1995. These computers can run any type of software including text based as well as graphical base and processor speed of these computers is up to 233 MHz.
c. PS/2 (Personal System / 2) Computer: IBM started manufacturing next model of computer since 1990. This model is called PS? 2 computers. Most of the computers manufactured after 1990 including laptop, belongs to this model. These computers are refinement of AT computers. These computers can run almost all software & programs.
1. Super Computer
2. Mainframe Computer
3. Mini Computer
4. Micro Computer

1) Super Computer
Super computer is one of the most powerful computers which is used to perform the complex calculations. They are the fastest computer which works in nanosecond even in picoseconds too. This computer is used for a special purpose. Usually, such computer uses parallel processors. Nowadays, the computing capability of a super computer is equal to that of 40,000 micro computers. Mostly super computers are used by government agencies. These computers are used in research and other operations where there is a huge numerical calculation. Different industries also use this huge computer for designing their products, Code-breaking, genetic analysis. It is also used in Hollywood movies for animation purposes. It requires large space and temperature control room. CRAY X-MP/24, NEC-500, PARAM, etc are some of the examples of a super computer. Today's super computers are designed by companies such as HP, IBM, Cray Inc.
2) Mainframe computers
Mainframe computers are powerful multi-user computers capable of supporting many hundreds of users simultaneously. It is also large in size. This computer has slower processing speed than a super computer but faster than a mini and micro computer. It is designed for large-scale data processing and a huge amount of data storage. They are used in a big organization such as bank, insurance companies, airlines, railway reservation system, e-mail service providers, web hosting, etc. It needed a large area approximately 1000 sq.ft. It supports a large number of I/O terminals, more than 100 terminals.
IBM 1401, ICL 2950/10,CYBER 170, etc are some of the examples of mainframe computers.
3) Minicomputer
Minicomputer is also a multi-user computer capable of supporting ten to hundreds of users simultaneously. Due to the smaller size and its cost compared to mainframe and a super computer, it got its name as a minicomputer. It is also known as midrange computer. Minicomputer can handle more input and output than a micro computer. It can support about 50 terminals and requires an area around 100 sq ft. This computer is useful for medium sized business, organizations, industries, universities and banks. It is cheap and easy to operate than a mainframe computer.
Prime 9755, VAX 7500, HCL, MAGNUM, CDC-1700, etc. are some of the examples of a mini computer.
4) Microcomputer
A computer which is based on a microprocessor is called microcomputer. They are small and single user computer. This computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying and a storage device for storing the data. It requires less area compared to other computers.
This computer consists of central processing unit and a single chip. It is mainly used in office, school, house, shop, etc. The smallest of this category are a laptop, notebook, palmtop and PDA. IBM PC, Apple/Macintosh, etc. are the examples of the microcomputer. The microcomputer is categorized as a non-portable and portable category.
Some of the examples of microcomputer are described below:
• Desktop
The desktop computer is the kind of personal computer (PC), which is a common type of computer used by many people today. They are a non-portable computer.
This type of desktop has a faster processor, more memory and other advanced features compared to another desktop. Common desktops often have much computing capability compare to the workstation.
• Laptop
A ‘laptop’ computer is a light, compact and portable PC. It contains a rechargeable battery. They also contain a built-in LCD monitor. It is a portable computer.
A laptop is also known as a notebook, which is another kind of personal computer used by many people today. It has usually a flat-screen monitor and keyboard attached to the computer.
• Handheld
A handheld computer is a kind of portable computer that is intended to be held and used in a hand. A handheld computer is becoming more and more common in modern society.
This computer includes various kinds of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) computers.


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