Artificial Intelligence
1. What is
AI? Explain its applications.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer
science which is concerned with programs that solves and analyze problems
intelligently. It acts as the behavior like human beings and can communicate
using natural language.
The applications
of AI are as:
a. Game playing: AI emerges and gives new height for dull
machines on the field of game playing. Some intelligence programming is far
better than human brain.
b. Expert systems: it is computer programming to make
decisions in real life situations. AI based computer system can decide and
think itself for desired result what is to be happened.
c. Pattern detection: it detects most common patterns for
authentication, for example thumb detection, iris detection, etc. This is most
widely used tools for security purpose which once stored in database.
d. Natural Language Processing: NLP is a branch of
artificial intelligence that deals with analyzing understanding and generating
the languages that human use naturally in order to interface with computers in
both written and spoken.
e. Automated operation: AI is used to automate satellite,
space shuttle, airplane without pilot, etc. Without any technical human being,
the system automatically handles and controls the systems that are already set
in that corresponding instruction with logics and mathematics.
f. Robotics: robots are used in many fields like in
space, medicine, and research etc. Now a days, robots are being broadly using in
micro-level surgery.
2. Explain
the components of AI.
The components of
AI are as follows:
a. Search: this intelligence is used to search solution
of particular problem like possibilities of moves on chess playing game.
Searching is very important and needs to be very fast and must search with
accuracy. So AI based system is useful for particular problem oriented search
b. Pattern recognization: it is used to recognize some
type of figures, images or audio sounds. Its application is used for the authentication
like face detection, iris detection, voice recognization, etc.
c. Logic generate: as the name suggest, AI is
intelligence with creating logic in different problems. Logic in terms of
predicate basis or whatever, this system creates logic for solving the any kind
of related problems as per the AI related system and software.
d. Common sense and reasoning: the main goal of AI is to
produce good reasoning power and produce logic. This reasoning power and logic
made machines like human.
e. Learning from experience: AI programming is built to
learn from the experiences like human being. Although learning are limited with
comparison to the human beings and also depends on the programming language
f. Genetic programming: AI programs are used to solve
relationship between humans. As we see in genetically there is inheritance
properties that can help the future prediction.
g. Neural network: AI technique that mimics the operation
of the human brain that refers to nerves and neurons, and comprises of densely
interconnected processors working simultaneously that means parallel.
3. What are
the ethical aspects of AI.
AI can be used for good or bad. This is why it’s important to think about what AI is, and how
we want it to be used.
Some ethical
aspects of AI are:
a. AI
builders have an obligation not to exploit people’s ignorance and make them think. AI is human.
b. Robots
are not really your friends. They may be harmful for individuals. So developers
should be ethical. Use of AI must obey the social norms and values.
c. Use
of AI should be under the intellectual property rights.
Thank you Sir
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